Terms of Use

These Terms of Use (hereinafter referred to as "these Terms") set forth the conditions for using this website (hereinafter referred to as "this Site") operated by NOT A HOTEL Inc. (hereinafter referred to as "our Company"). Viewers (hereinafter referred to as "Users") shall use this Site in accordance with these Terms.

Article 1 (Application)

These Terms shall apply to all relationships between Users and our Company related to the use of this Site. In addition to these Terms, our Company may establish various rules and regulations for use (hereinafter referred to as "Individual Provisions"). These Individual Provisions, regardless of their name, shall form part of these Terms. If the provisions of these Terms conflict with the provisions of Individual Provisions, the Individual Provisions shall take precedence unless otherwise specified.

Article 2 (Intellectual Property Rights)

The copyright or other intellectual property rights to the product photos and other content (hereinafter referred to as "Content") provided on this Site belong to our Company and legitimate rights holders such as content providers. Users shall not reproduce, repost, alter, or otherwise secondary use these without permission.

Article 3 (Prohibited Matters)

Users shall not engage in the following acts when using this Site:

  • Acts that violate laws or public order and morals.
  • Acts related to criminal activities.
  • Acts that infringe on copyrights, trademark rights, or other intellectual property rights contained on this Site.
  • Acts that destroy or interfere with the functionality of our Company's servers or networks.
  • Commercial use of information obtained through this Site.
  • Acts that may interfere with the operation of our Company's services.
  • Unauthorized access or attempts to do so.
  • Collecting or accumulating personal information of other Users.
  • Impersonating other Users.
  • Using this Site, its Content, links to this Site, or other information in a manner that causes third-party services to be mistaken for our Company's services, or using them for profit or commercial purposes.
  • Providing benefits directly or indirectly to anti-social forces in relation to our Company's services.
  • Other acts that our Company deems inappropriate.

Article 4 (Suspension of Provision of this Site)

Our Company may suspend or interrupt the provision of all or part of this Site without prior notice to Users if it determines that any of the following circumstances exist:

  • Maintenance, inspection, or updating of the computer system related to this Site.
  • The provision of this Site becomes difficult due to force majeure such as earthquakes, lightning, fire, power outages, or natural disasters.
  • Computers or communication lines are stopped due to accidents.
  • Other cases where our Company deems the provision of this Site difficult.

Our Company shall not be liable for any disadvantage or damage suffered by Users or third parties due to the suspension or interruption of the provision of this Site, regardless of the reason.

Article 5 (Disclaimer and Exemption from Liability)

Our Company does not guarantee that this Site is free from factual or legal defects (including defects related to safety, reliability, accuracy, completeness, validity, suitability for a particular purpose, security, errors or bugs, rights infringement, etc.). Our Company shall not be liable for any damage incurred by Users due to this Site. However, if the contract between our Company and Users regarding this Site (including these Terms) constitutes a consumer contract under the Consumer Contract Act, this exemption clause shall not apply. Even in such cases, our Company shall not be liable for damages incurred by Users due to special circumstances (including cases where our Company or Users foresaw or could have foreseen the occurrence of damages) arising from our Company's negligence (excluding gross negligence) in non-fulfillment of obligations or torts. Our Company shall not be responsible for any transactions, communications, or disputes arising between Users and other Users or third parties in relation to this Site.

Article 6(Currency Conversion Disclaimer )

For the convenience of our users, our website offers an automated currency conversion feature that allows prices to be displayed in a range of currencies of your choice. Please note the following important information regarding this feature:

Automated Conversion: When you select a currency other than the local currency (legal tender in the property's location), the prices displayed are automatically converted using a third-party provider. This conversion is subject to rounding.
Accuracy of Conversion: We make no guarantees as to the accuracy of the currency conversion. The converted prices are provided for informational and comparative purposes only.
Non-Binding Information: The prices shown in any currency other than the local currency do not constitute an offer for sale or any other type of transaction in the displayed currency. They are merely provided to assist consumers in comparing property prices.
Consumer Responsibility: It is the responsibility of consumers to be aware of all terms of sale and available purchasing options, including applicable and acceptable currencies, for any given property transaction.

Please ensure you verify the exact price and terms in the local currency before proceeding with any transactions. By using the website in any capacity, you acknowledge and agree to these terms.

Article 7 (Changes to Service Content, etc.)

Our Company may change the content of this Site or discontinue the provision of this Site without notifying Users, and shall not be liable for any damages incurred by Users as a result.

Article 8 (Changes to Terms of Use)

Our Company may change these Terms at any time without notifying Users if it deems it necessary. If a User starts using this Site after the changes to these Terms, the User is deemed to have agreed to the changed Terms.

Article 9 (Handling of Personal Information)

Our Company shall handle personal information obtained through the use of this Site appropriately in accordance with our "Privacy Policy."

Article 10 (Notifications and Communications)

Notifications or communications between Users and our Company shall be conducted by the method specified by our Company. Unless otherwise specified by our Company, we will consider the currently registered contact information as valid and send notifications or communications to that contact information, and these will be deemed to have reached the User at the time of transmission.

Article 11 (Prohibition of Transfer of Rights and Obligations)

Users may not transfer their position under the usage contract or their rights or obligations under these Terms to third parties or offer them as collateral without prior written consent from our Company.

Article 12 (Governing Law and Jurisdiction)

The interpretation of these Terms shall be governed by Japanese law. In the event of a dispute regarding this Site, the court having jurisdiction over the location of our Company's head office shall be the exclusive agreed jurisdictional court.


  • Our company does not provide tax, legal, or accounting advice. Users should consult with professionals in tax, legal, and accounting matters in their country or region of residence before engaging in any transactions. We are not responsible for any tax, legal, or accounting decisions made by users based on our information or services.
  • There may be regions or countries where it is difficult for us to provide services, and in such cases, service provision may not be possible. Furthermore, we do not guarantee that our services comply with the laws of any specific country or region. Users are responsible for complying with the laws and regulations of their country or region of residence.